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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Messy Room
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine?
Oh, dear,I knew it looked familiar!

1.How are the figurative language used in the poem? Give the specific word(s), explain what type of figurative language it is and why the poet chose to use this figurative language?

Ans: Almost all he word is in similes. I think that the author did not use other figurative languages as the author wanted to keep the poem short and nice.

2.Tell us why you like this poem in no less than 100 words.

Ans: The poem is very interesting and a bit funny as the author describe his own room as if he did not know that was his room. I think this idea of writing poem is very fun and also interesting.

7:32 PM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Is this blog prompt about the city rat and country rat story? if it is, i think that i will be the country rat because the country rat is much more safer than the city rat although it eats less tastier food than the city rat.

But if u think, if u failed one time searching for tasty food and get killed, it is not worth it as you sacrifice your own life for the tasty food you choose.

Although you cannot taste the delicious food from the city but have to plant yourself in the country you will live longer and you can enjoy your life as you are not like the city rat that will lose its life inexpectedly.

8:40 PM

Money is important to us as we cannot live without it, but money is not everything. We need money to buy food, study fees, medical fees, and many other stuff. There are also things that money cannot buy: friendship, love, life (money cannot make you live longer) and many other stuff.

Although money can increase your popularity among your classmate and it will attract some 'friend', but if one day you have no money at all all your 'friends' will leave u and only true friends will stay alongside u.

So, my conclusion is that money is very important, we cannot live without it, but money is not everything

8:15 PM

Progress is very necessary to a country. If the country do not progress fast people would migrate to other country which progress pace is suitable for the people. Just like Hari in Village by the sea, Hari, because of the slow progress of Thul and the misery of his family, moved to a more advanced city like Bombay to have jobs. Eventually, all the people in that slow progress country will move away to other country.

Another reason that country's progress is very important to the country because if the country do not progress, she will be conquered but the fast progressive countries who have better military forces than her will invade her.

So, I personally think that a country's progress is very important to the country. A country cannot survive without it.

7:47 PM

My favourite character in the story is Lila because she stay beside her mother and do not run away from home and to other places like Hari. She helped her mother and is not as heartless as Hari. Although her life is just as hard as Hari she did not complain about it like Hari and escape form Thul to Bombay when he hear what a wonderful place is Bombay.

My least favourite character in Village by the sea is Hari's father. He is totally opposite of Lila. He drink toddy all day and only came back at night and sleep in the house. If he is unhappy when he came home after drinking toddy, he would start beating up his children and his wife mercilessly. He do not even care about his family by bringing some food home but instead he spent money made by Hari and Lila to buy toddy. Luckily at the end of the novel he changed into a good, caring father.

7:20 PM

It is not my fault that i do not post blog posts for so long, it is all because of my mother. She just hate me using the computer but this blog post is a homework and she told me to finished all the other homework before doing the last homework-blog post.

The part in Village by the sea which i like the most is when Hari escaped form Thul to Bombay and meet some benefactors who helped him to earn money for him to support his family. And I also like the kindness of the de Silva family who sent Hari's mother to a hospital far away and provide money for them to live and buy medicine in exchange that Lila work for them in their house.

Village by the sea is a very interesting story and i recommend veryone not in Hwa Chong to buy it and read.(We have the book already!?)

7:01 PM

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hi everyone i am back again! Due to my mother's hate of computer i can rarely use my computer for blogging even though i told her it is for my school ACE points. She also do not let me read my SMB as she think it as a waste of time. Today is a miracle day as she finally let me post something on my blog.

Today i am going to talk about my CCA. My CCA is NCC(National Cadet Crops), which is quite boring and almost the whole CCA training i have to stand at attention for most of the time in training. Although there is some games, but it is still boring. During the first year of joining, we must strengthen our bond with our CCA mates.The training could be quite tedious and boring sometime but i still enjoyed it.

The NCOs(Non-commissioned officers) will organise games for us to know the importance of teamwork.

I am posting another post soon.Thank you for visiting my blog

5:31 AM